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UHL Publication Scheme


Documents:(2023) - Thursday 14 September 2023

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A - Declarations of interest.pdfA - Declarations of interest
agenda public TB 14.9.23 - accessible version.pdfagenda public TB 14.9.23 - accessible version
agenda public TB 14.9.23.pdfagenda public TB 14.9.23
APM 2023 Agenda.pdfAPM 2023 Agenda
B - TB public mins 10.8.23.pdfB - TB public mins 10.8.23
C - public TB actions 10.8.23.pdfC - public TB actions 10.8.23
D - CEO report.pdfD - CEO report
E - IPR M4.pdfE - IPR M4
F - public Trust Strategy and Values.pdfF - public Trust Strategy and Values
G - TB Mortality  LfD Report Sept 23.pdfG - TB Mortality LfD Report Sept 23
H - Perinatal Surveillance and MAC.pdfH - Perinatal Surveillance and MAC
I - Patient Experience Annual Report.pdfI - Patient Experience Annual Report
J - UHL Response to Lucy Letby Trial.pdfJ - UHL Response to Lucy Letby Trial
K - OPC Public Escalation Report 30.8.23.pdfK - OPC Public Escalation Report 30.8.23
L - public QC escalation report 31.8.23.pdfL - public QC escalation report 31.8.23
M - Junior Doctors GoSW.pdfM - Junior Doctors GoSW
N - FIC escalation report public 25.8.23.pdfN - FIC escalation report public 25.8.23
O - AC Public Escalation Report 14 August 2023.pdfO - AC Public Escalation Report 14 August 2023
P - Annual Organisational Audit and Board report.pdfP - Annual Organisational Audit and Board report
Q - Fire Annual Report.pdfQ - Fire Annual Report
R - Amendment to establishment order.pdfR - Amendment to establishment order
S - Armed Forces additional paid leave.pdfS - Armed Forces additional paid leave
U - CFC escalation report 18.8.23 public.pdfU - CFC escalation report 18.8.23 public
website only AC public mins 23.6.23.pdfwebsite only AC public mins 23.6.23
website only CFC public mins 16.6.23.pdfwebsite only CFC public mins 16.6.23
website only FIC 28.7.23 public mins.pdfwebsite only FIC 28.7.23 public mins
website only OPC 26.7.23.pdfwebsite only OPC 26.7.23
website only QC Minutes 27.7.23.pdfwebsite only QC Minutes 27.7.23

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